Thursday, August 25, 2011


Their should always be a respect level when it comes to people arguing about their child. I mean the conversation should stay at just what it is "A CONVERSATION", but of course it turns into an all blow out argument. Like for example the mother of the child always no matter what feels like she is in control and deserve more say because she is the mother. On the other hand the child's father feels like the mother is just being a BITCH because she's the mother and that's why the simple conversations turns into an argument and ready to throw blows. Now you may be thinking while you read this blog 'App what's your point'?.....Well well...well.. I don't have one I just wanted to explain why and how a basic conversation about your child turns into a argument...their is no respect among the parents....hey may be I just made a

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Whats going on with Relationship these days?

Now a days relationships have no business of even having a tittle, I'm just saying. Cheating has become so normal in a relationship that people have came to accept the in inevitable. Its like the more modern this world becomes the more accepting we evolve. Example your significant other is very popular so you expect temptation to be thrown their does that make it more accepting to you? When it comes to the female their more like competitive...example; a female will take her man back no matter what cause she may fear loosing him to another female and that's just not going to work , a guy who just wants that one bottom chick . Oh and don't even get me started on marriages...a lot of folks are don't even take that fact of being married seriously, like nothing changes except the name these days. So many married men and women has tried to holla at me like the fact of them being married is just a business arrangement. Look all I'm saying is before putting a tittle on a relationship just make sure both partners understand what it takes and the boundaries that's in place, so their wont be any 'miscommunications' I'm just saying...App baby eat your heart out!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the President says 'budget cuts

As you can see our wonderful president thinks the way to help with our trillion dollar debt is to have budget cuts......well...well...well....well...what a brave move to make Mr. President...election is coming up so do you think that was the right move to make...'Im just saying. The average individual does not understand how to manage money so uggghh I don't thing they will understand 'budget cuts'...All I'm saying is may be the 'budget cuts' needs to start with these over salary politicians and under salary teachers and police officers...oh yeah lets not for get all the prisons that have over a three hundred $300,000 a month of income to take care of if you ask me....'budget cuts' is an understatement...lets try 'position cuts' example do we really need a speaker of the house....I'm just saying everyone don't need the position that they hold....App baby aka Miss eat Your Heart Out