Friday, August 30, 2013

Groupie v.s.Fan...theirs a difference

So ok you have your national celebs and your local celebs aka "up& coming".....well...well .. well what comes along with those tittles...groupies and fans...yes I am going to address it. Some people like to assume that a female or a male is a groupie just because they constantly see them out and about with certain individuals with big names in their city or even nationally .. well STOP the assumptions...their is no proof that he/she may be a groupie they may just be a friend or a even more. Don't be so quick to put tittles on people when your not sure whom that person may be to that celebrity rather their a national celeb or local celeb I'm just saying! Sometimes fans turns groupieish, meaning lets take the word 'FANS' =favorably ,associated, with national , stars.. that's my definition meaning fans are individuals who support and are motivated by whom they see as stars in their opinion. Now an actual groupie is a person that only wants to be associated with people in the lime light so that they can be acknowledge, opportunist for better word. So basically I'm saying, stop always putting tittles on people who you know nothing about cause at the end of the day, you never know what that person relationship is with that particular celebrity.....App baby eat your heart out!

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