Saturday, August 31, 2013

Money Management

Ok hello to all of you in cyber world, today or shall I say tonight's topic is very personnel to me. I've made plenty mistakes in my past especially when it came to money management mainly because I under estimated future decisions. So say you got a lump some of money that was $5,000 right and your friend got $10,000 if you manage your $5,00 the right way you will always end up better off than the person who miss manages his $10,000. Always make sure when your making decisions , make a future choice because when you make a present choice with out thinking how it will affect you in the future you will end up miss managing your money.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Groupie v.s.Fan...theirs a difference

So ok you have your national celebs and your local celebs aka "up& coming".....well...well .. well what comes along with those tittles...groupies and fans...yes I am going to address it. Some people like to assume that a female or a male is a groupie just because they constantly see them out and about with certain individuals with big names in their city or even nationally .. well STOP the assumptions...their is no proof that he/she may be a groupie they may just be a friend or a even more. Don't be so quick to put tittles on people when your not sure whom that person may be to that celebrity rather their a national celeb or local celeb I'm just saying! Sometimes fans turns groupieish, meaning lets take the word 'FANS' =favorably ,associated, with national , stars.. that's my definition meaning fans are individuals who support and are motivated by whom they see as stars in their opinion. Now an actual groupie is a person that only wants to be associated with people in the lime light so that they can be acknowledge, opportunist for better word. So basically I'm saying, stop always putting tittles on people who you know nothing about cause at the end of the day, you never know what that person relationship is with that particular celebrity.....App baby eat your heart out!

Absence Death

Sometimes we think we have more time with family, friends, associates ,lovers or even pets. The truth is time has always been something that no man made scientific break through could fix, change, alter or even create. I consider my self to be a kind and caring woman, I don't take anyone for granted, I treat everyone the way I would want to be treated. You have to remember when you treating others bad that's someone family. I call this passage 'Absence Death" because you can have a connection with someone or know a person and you always would say to your self "I need to call you know who", or "I wonder how you know who is doing'. But time will pass by and that person may reach out to you and you still don't pay them any mind but than a year or even months later you find out that person died and than your thinking to your self "Damn I just saw you know who or I meant to call you know who". You were absent form this person life that when something happens you regret not being present in their life "Absence Death"

Monday, July 23, 2012


Ok so really Josline Hernadez of Love & Hip full of shit first off for her to even call her self "REAL" is sooooooooooo....TRUE..I mean really she did not hide the fact that Stevie J for sure is her man but, however she has lied about it when approach with the question I guess I cant say she real...but I can say she is realllllllyyyyy stupid for having an abortion talking bout she not ever going back to the strip club. . well DUMBY if you had the baby you would not ever go back to the strip club...I mean really she cant be that I thought to my self "HMMMMM she must did not know who the father was that's why she had an abortion, cause she cant be that stupid.... but hey i cant judge but my ass sure can blog about her ass always App baby .. eat your heart out.... THINGSTHATMAKEYOUGO hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

what a real non-factor means

First of all stop posting all over the internet about how certain individuals are non-factors. Honestly if they were really a non-factor to you than you would not waste time or post about stating that their non-factors in your life. Second, stop always putting up subliminal post on facebook and twitter or any other social network, comments about this suppose to be non-factor. App baby eat your heart out!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Their should always be a respect level when it comes to people arguing about their child. I mean the conversation should stay at just what it is "A CONVERSATION", but of course it turns into an all blow out argument. Like for example the mother of the child always no matter what feels like she is in control and deserve more say because she is the mother. On the other hand the child's father feels like the mother is just being a BITCH because she's the mother and that's why the simple conversations turns into an argument and ready to throw blows. Now you may be thinking while you read this blog 'App what's your point'?.....Well well...well.. I don't have one I just wanted to explain why and how a basic conversation about your child turns into a argument...their is no respect among the parents....hey may be I just made a

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Whats going on with Relationship these days?

Now a days relationships have no business of even having a tittle, I'm just saying. Cheating has become so normal in a relationship that people have came to accept the in inevitable. Its like the more modern this world becomes the more accepting we evolve. Example your significant other is very popular so you expect temptation to be thrown their does that make it more accepting to you? When it comes to the female their more like competitive...example; a female will take her man back no matter what cause she may fear loosing him to another female and that's just not going to work , a guy who just wants that one bottom chick . Oh and don't even get me started on marriages...a lot of folks are don't even take that fact of being married seriously, like nothing changes except the name these days. So many married men and women has tried to holla at me like the fact of them being married is just a business arrangement. Look all I'm saying is before putting a tittle on a relationship just make sure both partners understand what it takes and the boundaries that's in place, so their wont be any 'miscommunications' I'm just saying...App baby eat your heart out!